There are a few reasons why you might not be able to see when someone is active on Instagram. One possibility is that the person has turned off the “Active” status in their profile settings. Another possibility is that the person’s account is set to private, so you can only see their activity if you’re following them.

There are a few ways to tell if someone is online on Instagram if their activity status is off. One way is to look at their profile picture. If the profile picture has been recently updated, then they’re probably online. Another way is to check the last time they were active on Instagram. If the time stamp on their last post is recent, then they’re probably online.

Yes, there are a few apps that allow you to see someone’s activity on Instagram. One is called “Who Viewed My Profile – Insta Tracker” and another is called “InstaFollow.

There are a few things you can look for if you think someone is stalking you on Instagram. First, check your follower’s list and see if the person is following you. If they are, then they may be stalking you. Another thing to look for is if the person has been liking your posts a lot or if they have been commenting on them. If they have, then it’s possible that they’re stalking you.

There are a few ways to see someone’s activity on Instagram in 2020. The first way is to open their profile and look at the top right corner of the screen. There, you will see three lines and under that, it will say “Following.” If you click on that, it will show you all of the people that person is following.The second way is to go to your own profile and click on the “Following” tab.

There are a few ways to stalk someone’s Instagram activity. One way is to create a fake account and follow them. Another way is to search for them on Instagram and click on the “followers” tab to see who is following them.

There’s no surefire way to track down every single picture your boyfriend has liked on Instagram, but there are a few methods you can try. One is to simply ask him which photos he likes the most; another is to check his profile for any clues (e.g. if he’s followed any accounts that are particularly photo-centric). If all else fails, you could also try using a third-party app like InstaLocate to track down the posts he’s liked.

Yes, you can see who has viewed your Instagram profile. To view the list of people who have viewed your profile, go to your profile and tap the three lines in the top left corner. Scroll down and tap “Viewed My Profile.

There is no way to know for certain who searched you on Instagram, as this information is not made public. However, there are a few possible ways to guess. One possibility is that the person who searched you was a mutual follower; another is that they may have found your profile through a hashtag or location tag.

Ghosting on Instagram is when you unfollow someone but they don’t know. It’s a way to silently end a friendship or relationship without having to confront the other person.