The answer to this question is yes – you can see who someone has recently followed on Instagram. This is because Instagram, like many other social media platforms, makes use of a news feed algorithm that orders posts based on what it thinks the user will be most interested in. This means that if you have followed someone, and they have then followed someone else, their post will appear higher up in your news feed than posts from people who you haven’t followed.

This is a difficult question to answer without more information about the specific account. Generally speaking, the order of someone else’s posts on Instagram would be based on when the posts were originally made. However, if the account has a lot of followers, Instagram may choose to show some of the newer posts higher up in the feed even if they were made earlier than other posts.

When someone is at the top of someone’s following list on Instagram, it means that person is the most recent person to follow that person. The list is sorted in reverse chronological order, so the most recent person to follow someone is at the top of their following list.

No, the person whose Instagram you view a lot is not likely to show at the top of your following list. The order in which people appear in your following list is based on a number of factors, including how often you interact with their content, how much you like their content, and how much they like your content.

There is no surefire way to know for certain who is stalking your Instagram profile, as Instagram does not currently offer any features that allow users to track this information. However, there are a few things you can do to try and get a sense of who might be interested in your account. First, take a look at your list of followers and see if there are any accounts that you don’t recognize or that seem suspicious.

The most common way to see who someone interacts with on Instagram is by looking at their “following” and “followers” list. This lists the people that the user is following and the people who are following the user, respectively. The “following” list shows all of the people that the user is currently following, while the “followers” list shows all of the people who are currently following the user.

Instagram is a social media platform where users can share photos and videos. The app allows users to see a persons recent activity by going to their profile and scrolling down to “Posts You’ve Liked.” This will show the last 10 posts that the user has liked on Instagram.

To stalk someone’s Instagram activity, you would need to access their account information. This can be done by finding their account name or user ID on the platform and entering it into a web browser URL bar. Once you have accessed their account, you can view their posts and followers/following lists.

People can see your activity on Instagram if you have the app open and are using it. It will show up in the “Recent Activity” section of your followers’ feeds. If you have the app open but aren’t using it, it won’t show up in “Recent Activity,” but people can still see your profile and what you’ve posted if they click on your name.

The person’s name that appears first on an Instagram story is the person who created the story. The creator is the first user to share the story and is designated by a blue dot next to their name. Other users who view the story will see the story in reverse chronological order, with the most recent posts at the top.